Indoor Bluetooth Positioning and Tracking Applications

Bluetooth-based indoor positioning and tracking solutions leverage Bluetooth technology to determine the location of devices within a confined space, such as a building or a specific area. These solutions are often used for various applications, including asset tracking, wayfinding, location-based services, and proximity marketing.
Here’s an overview of how Bluetooth indoor positioning and tracking solutions work, as well as some common technologies and methods employed:

Technologies and Methods:

  1. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE):
    • BLE is a power-efficient version of Bluetooth technology, making it suitable for battery-powered devices.
    • BLE beacons are small devices that broadcast Bluetooth signals, which can be picked up by other Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as smartphones or sensors.
  2. Bluetooth Beacons:
    • Bluetooth beacons are the primary devices used in indoor positioning solutions. They emit signals at regular intervals, and their location is known.
    • Common types of beacons include iBeacon (Apple’s proprietary standard), Eddystone (Google’s open-source standard), and others.
  3. Bluetooth Triangulation:
    • By using the signal strength of Bluetooth signals from multiple beacons, the position of a device can be estimated through triangulation.
    • Trilateration and multilateration techniques are commonly employed to determine the position based on the distances between the device and multiple beacons.
  4. Fingerprinting:
    • Fingerprinting involves mapping the signal strength of Bluetooth beacons at various locations within a space.
    • When a device measures signal strengths, it compares them to the fingerprint database to estimate its location.
  5. Crowdsourced Data:
    • Some solutions utilize data from multiple users to enhance accuracy. Devices collect and share data about signal strengths and locations, contributing to a dynamic and constantly updated positioning system.


  1. Asset Tracking:
    • Companies use Bluetooth indoor positioning to track the location of valuable assets within a facility.
  2. Wayfinding:
    • Navigation and wayfinding apps can guide users through indoor spaces, such as malls, airports, or large buildings.
  3. Proximity Marketing:
    • Businesses can send targeted messages or promotions to users’ smartphones based on their location within a store or venue.
  4. Indoor Analytics:
    • Collecting data on foot traffic, dwell times, and popular areas within a space for optimization and business intelligence.


  1. Accuracy:
    • Achieving high accuracy can be challenging due to signal interference, obstacles, and the dynamic nature of indoor environments.
  2. Infrastructure Setup:
    • Deploying a network of beacons and maintaining them can be resource-intensive.
  3. Privacy Concerns:
    • Location tracking raises privacy concerns. It’s crucial to implement proper security measures and obtain user consent.
  4. Integration:
    • Integration with existing systems and applications can be complex, requiring compatibility considerations.

Popular Providers:

  1. Estimote:
    • Offers BLE beacons and a comprehensive platform for building location-based solutions.
    • Provides a range of Bluetooth beacons and a platform for asset tracking and indoor positioning.
  3. Cisco Meraki:
    • Offers an integrated solution for wireless, switching, security, and location analytics.
  4. BlueCats:
    • Specializes in Bluetooth-based solutions for asset tracking and location analytics.

When implementing Bluetooth indoor positioning and tracking solutions, it’s essential to carefully consider the specific requirements of the application, the size and layout of the space, and the desired level of accuracy. Regular updates and advancements in Bluetooth technology may also bring improvements to these solutions over time.